Hi I'm Bernie Bear

Hi I'm Bernie Bear
Welcome to my blogspot

Saturday 28 February 2009

What's in the Cupboard?

Today is Saturday and they have all gone out, yes, Blue has gone too. I have the house to myself so it's time to explore.
Now is the time to find out all about "sewing things".
It is soooooo dark in here. Where is the light switch? My paws are very chubby and that means switches very difficult to use. Oh that's better I can see properly now.
Gosh there is all sorts in here, is that another teddy bear like me over there?
He's not moving. "Hello Hello it's me Bernie Bear are you awake?"
There was no reply. I gave him a little push with my paw but he didn't talk to me. Oh he is just fur, he's not a teddy. I wonder if Janice will finish him off soon then I can have a friend to play with. I can't wait for them to come back so that she can get on with the work of making me a friend.

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Hi ya me again
It's been quiet for a while but that dog Blue has found my hide out under the stairs! I was quietly having a sleep when I heard this strange snuffling noise. I held my breath, I was really scared, I had never heard that noise before - I will never forget it. I sat very still and waited. There was this awful loud bark bark bark and I knew straight away it was Blue.
Then there came a voice shouting "Blue Blue come away from there, that's where I keep my sewing things, you know you're not allowed in there." Then it went quiet mm I bet Blue is eating a biscuit in the kitchen now, it's not fair I want one too.
Am I a sewing thing then? I thought I was Bernie Bear - confused I must find out what she means by sewing things!!!!!

Monday 23 February 2009

What did I do today? Well I knew that dog was going to be trouble!!!! His name is Blue, strange name for a dog because he is black, I haven't seen a blue dog have you? He found my hiding place so I have moved to the cupboard under the stairs and if Blue is in the house I am not coming out, not even for a whole jar of honey!
Last night, just when I was putting my pyjamas on and getting ready to go to bed THE DOG found me. He GRIPPED my paw between his TEETH and ran around the house making the strangest of noises. Jan shouted at him and he eventually dropped me, my paw was so sore I think it grew a centimetre too. I am not coming out of my cupboard again. You wont tell him where I am will you? Please
Well I have made a new friend today called JSW - that's a funny name. Could it be a new bear on the block? Next time you visit will you tell me more about yourself please?

Sunday 22 February 2009

Where am I today? well I am in a lovely house with some great people called Janice and Kevin. They have a dog too so I need to keep out of his way. I'll tell you where I hide - as long as you promise not to tell anyone else.............under the bed. Shhhhhhh Remember it's a secret.